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Tooth Extractions in Kitchener

At Country Hills Dentistry, our dentists perform tooth extractions when a tooth cannot be saved or is harming your oral health. 

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Will having my tooth extracted be painful?

With current techniques, tooth extraction should not be painful.

Our team will begin by placing a local anesthetic to the area surrounding your tooth.

If anything becomes uncomfortable for you during the procedure, our team will be listening and ready to help make you comfortable.

For patients who experience fear or anxiety, we offer dental sedation options. Speak with your dentist to determine if sedation is right for you.

When will I be able to eat regular foods?

After your procedure, you should eat only soft foods for a couple of days. As you heal, you can add solid foods back into your diet.

What steps will I need to follow after my tooth is removed?

During your appointment, our team will explain to you how to care for your mouth after the extraction.

By following some simple steps, you can prevent any problems following extraction.

Tooth Extraction Services, Kitchener Dentist

Why do I need a tooth extraction?

There are many reasons why we may recommend extracting a tooth. We may suggest tooth extraction because your tooth is poorly positioned in your mouth, badly decayed, abscessed, you have developed serious gum disease, or are in preparation for orthodontic treatment. We will only recommend an extraction if all other less invasive treatments have been ruled out.

Immediately After Your Appointment

Rest as much as possible. Avoid strenuous activity. Sit with your head elevated and prop your head on an extra pillow for the first night to avoid bleeding (you may want to use a towel or old pillowcase in case you bleed).

Leave the first gauze pad in place for about 3 to 4 hours after the surgical extraction.

For the First 24 Hours

Do brush and floss your teeth. Keeping your mouth clean after a dental extraction is critical to a good recovery. Avoid the extraction site.

Do not rinse, spit, or use a straw. The socket (the newly empty space left by your tooth) needs to heal and clot. If this process is disrupted, it could impact healing and result in infection. Also avoid letting your tongue, food or debris enter the area.

Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, which could encourage bleeding and block healing. Smoking will also increase your blood pressure.

After the first day, use a salt-water mouthwash twice a day for at least a week - or as long as your dentist tells you - to help clean and heal the area.

Avoid taking aspirin. Because aspirin can thin your blood, it can cause further bleeding. Avoid any medications with aspirin. If you have asthma, you should also skip pain relievers with Ibuprofen in them.

Still in pain?

The socket your tooth was extracted from may be infected. This can happen when socket walls are exposed and little to no clotting occurs. This is known as dry socket and requires an appointment with your dentist. They may prescribe antibiotics.

What can I eat after my tooth is removed?

Eat soft, mushy foods and liquids, including yogurt, soup (let cool before eating), smoothies, Jell-O, apple sauce and more. Until your anesthetic wears off, forgo very hot food or drinks, which could burn your mouth as you cannot feel pain at the moment.

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